Compilation Settings

Compilation itself is very straightforward and similar to installation: you let Wabbajack run and hope it finishes successfully! The key to make it run successfully is having a "Wabbajack-compliant" MO2 setup which you can set up by following the recommendations from the previous sections.

Find or Generate Your .compiler_settings

  • Click on the three dots next to the Compiler Settings field.
  • In the file selection window that opens:
    • If it is your first time compiling a list, navigate to profiles/{profile_name}/ and select modlist.txt. This will generate the required .compiler_settings file for this and future compilation.
    • If you have already used Wabbajack with the MO2 instance you want to compile with or are using ative-Game-Installer (Installers not using MO2), change the file extension from MO2 Modlist (.txt) to Compiler Settings File (.compiler_settings) and select the ModlistName.compiler_settings file.

Download Location

The download location is the path to the folder where all your archives and .meta files are located.

Output Location

The output location is the path to the folder where your modlist's .wabbajack file will be written.

Wabbajack Compilation Configuration Editor

In Wabbajack, select Create a Modlist to navigate to the configuration screen. Here you can configure some metadata for your modlist which will later be viewable by the user.

Modlist NameREQUIRED: Name of your modlist
VersionREQUIRED: Current VersionWabbajack modlists must comply with the .NET Version Class major.minor[.build[.revision]] making a valid version Example. Don't use Text or Special Characters in your version!
AuthorModlist author--your name or aliasShould be your name in original modlists and/or the name of the original modlist author if you adapted a non-WJ modlist to WJ
DescriptionModlist description (max 700 charcters)
ImageModlist imageAspect ratio should be 16:9 for best results
WebsiteREQUIRED: Website URLLink to a Website/Readme
ReadmeREQUIRED: Readme URLLink to the readme
NSFWNSFW CheckboxOnly really needed for official modlists as our galleries have the option to hide NSFW modlists
Publish UpdatePublish Update CheckboxIf you completed Getting CDN Access and Adding a Custom Repository to Wabbajack you can use this option to automatically publish your list
MachineUrlmachineURL of the modlist required for the Publish Update optionAdding a Custom Repository to Wabbajack Is referencing this field with its JohnsLists/JohnsSkyrimMakeover Example
No Match IncludeAdds folders to a list from which all content that can't be matched to a source should still be includedUseful for custom patches or generated files
IncludeAdds files and folders to a list which will be included with the .wabbajack fileDO NOT USE ON DOWNLOADED MODS as this would result in inlining the mod into the .wabbajack file and (unacceptably) distributing that mod. Can lead to large .wabbajack files if used unsparingly
IgnoreAdds files and folders to a list that will be ignored and therefore will not be part of final installationsUseful for mods and tools you use during development you don't want included in the final installation
Other ProfilesAdds profile folders to a list for other MO2 profiles you want to include in the final installationUseful for performance, or content profiles
Always Enabled ModsAdds mod folders to a list of mods that will be included in your list no matter if they are enabled (active in game) or notWabbajack will normally ignore all mods you disabled in MO2 but there are some cases where you might want to give some choice to the end user and want to have the mod included

Compilation Errors

You will likely get a ton of errors during your first compilation, which is to be expected. We highly recommend you join our Discord server and go to the #modlist-development-help channel for help.